What to expect
MPCC welcomes all visitors
Included in our 10.30 am Sunday morning service is:
- a time for worshipping God--one way of which we like to express this is through the singing of songs
- a time for bringing our thanksgiving and our prayer needs before God--which some like to do by coming to the front of the hall on the ground floor and remaining standing if they would like someone to pray with them about a particular prayer need that they have
- a time for looking at what God's Word has to say to us--how He wants to change us, encourage us, empower us, and give us hope and a purpose for living
- a time, usually towards the end of the service on the first Sunday of each month, for every believer in Jesus Christ to partake of what we call "Communion" or "The Lord's Supper" in remembering what Christ has done for us on the Cross
- a time for fellowship with other people over a cup of tea or coffee--for which you are invited to stay at the close of the service, usually around 12:15 pm